
Voting trend favours Kharge: former TNCC chief

Chennai, October 17 dmanewsdesk:  Senior Congress leader Mallikarjun Kharge has been the favourite among the voters in electing the party president during the poll for the top post that was held on Monday, former Tamil Nadu Congress Committee (TNCC) president Su Thirunavukarasar has said.

Referring to the trend in voting pattern, he said the polling started early today.

Senior Congress leaders Mallikarjun Kharge and Shashi Tharoor are in the fray as the grand old party is set to have a non-Gandhi president of the party in over 24 years.

After casting his vote, Thirunavukarasar, also an MP, said the elections are being held in a transparent manner and Kharge is the most favourite of the two – the other being Shashi Tharoor.

“The voting trend shows Mallikarjun Kharge is the favourite,” he told reporters.

Asked whether he, too, cast his vote to Kharge, he said, ‘I have already expressed my views.”

Asked about the candidature of Tharoor, he said both the leaders belong to one party and there was nothing wrong for people to select Tharoor.

“Elections are held in a transparent manner and there’s nothing wrong for Tharoor candidature. People can cast their vote to whomever they want since elections are held within the party. But Kharge has been the favourite so far,” he said.

Karti P Chidambaram told reporters he backed Tharoor as people were looking for fresh perspective, and he is articulate.

Source: PTI